SKU | trol-12091340 |
Author | ACT, Inc. |
Purpose | Designed to "measure students' level of college and career readiness in key core academic areas." |
Publication Date | 1959–2021. |
Note | The most recent review of this test was included in the Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook, and it was titled Enhanced ACT Assessment at that time. The test publisher has now named it The ACT Test. Reviews of recent updates will be included in a future Mental Measurements Yearbook when updated materials are provided by the test publisher. |
Publisher | ACT, Inc. |
Publisher address | ACT, Inc., 500 ACT Drive, P.O. Box 168, Iowa City, IA 52243-0168; Telephone: 319-337-1000; FAX: 319-341-2335; E-mail:; Web: |
Publisher URL | |
Reviewed In | J. C. Conoley & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth mental measurements yearbook. |
Price | $15.00 |