Career Occupational Preference System, Intermediate Inventory


Availability: Test Review Not Available


SKU trol-14181774
Author Knapp, Robert R.; Knapp, Lila F.
Purpose To measure career interests and provide a rating of interests based on knowledge of school subjects and activities familiar to elementary and intermediate grade students.
Publication Date 1981–1997.
Acronym COPS-II.
Note Test publisher indicates materials have been updated; description will be updated and test may be reviewed when complete materials are received.
Publisher EdITS LLC/Educational and Industrial Testing Service
Publisher address EdITS LLC/Educational and Industrial Testing Service, P.O. Box 7234, San Diego, CA 92167; Telephone: 800-416-1666; FAX: 619-226-1666; E-mail:; Web:
Publisher URL
Price $15.00