SKU | trol-14042575 |
Author | College Entrance Examination Board; Graduate Record Examination Board; Educational Testing Service |
Purpose | "To evaluate the English proficiency of people whose native language is not English." |
Publication Date | 1964–1999. |
Acronym | TOEFL, TWE. |
Note | The publisher advised in June 2006 that this test is no longer available. |
Publisher | Educational Testing Service |
Publisher address | Educational Testing Service, Publication Order Services, ETS Corporate Headquarters, Princeton, NJ 08541; Telephone: 609-921-9000; FAX: 609-734-5410; E-mail:; Web: |
Publisher URL | |
Reviewed In | B. S. Plake & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The fourteenth mental measurements yearbook. |
Price | $15.00 |