SKU | trol-12180962 |
Author | Department of Testing Services |
Purpose | "Designed to provide dental education programs with a means to assess applicants’ potential for success." |
Publication Date | 1950–2022. |
Acronym | DAT. |
Note | The most recent reviews of this test (published in The Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook) were based on the 1989-90 user's manual. The test will be re-reviewed if the test publisher provides newer test materials. |
Publisher | American Dental Association |
Publisher address | American Dental Association, 211 East Chicago Avenue, 6th Floor, Chicago, IL 60611-2678; Telephone: 800-232-1694; FAX: 312-587-4105; E-mail:; Web: |
Publisher URL | |
Reviewed In | J. C. Conoley & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth mental measurements yearbook. |
Price | $15.00 |