Employee Wellness Evaluation


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SKU trol-18183535
Author Hoffmann, Norman G.
Purpose Designed to “identify potential problems in several areas of significance for employees” as a clinical aid for referral for counseling or “to provide indications of problem prevalence in a workforce.”
Publication Date 1994-1999.
Acronym EWE.
Publisher The Change Companies
Publisher address The Change Companies, 5221 Sigstrom Drive, Carson City, NV 89706; Telephone: 888-889-8866; FAX: 775-885-0643; E-mail: contact@changecompanies.net; Web: www.changecompanies.net
Publisher URL http://www.changecompanies.net
Reviewed In R. A. Spies, J. F. Carlson, & K. F. Geisinger (Eds.), The eighteenth mental measurements yearbook.
Price $15.00