H-T-P: House-Tree-Person Projective Technique


Availability: Test Review Not Available


SKU trol-07001202
Author Buck, John N.; Warren, W. L.; Jolles, Isaac; Wenck, L. Stanley; Hammer, Emmanuel F.
Purpose "To provide psychologists and psychiatrists … with an examining procedure with which to acquire diagnostically and prognostically significant data concerning a subject's total personality."
Publication Date 1946–1993.
Acronym H-T-P.
Note This test was last reviewed in the Sixth Mental Measurements Yearbook (1965). Electronic access to this review is not available.
Publisher Western Psychological Services
Publisher address Western Psychological Services, 625 Alaska Ave., Torrance, CA 90503-5124; Telephone: 424-201-8800; FAX: 424-201-6950; E-mail: customerservice@wpspublish.com; Web: http://www.wpspublish.com
Publisher URL http://www.wpspublish.com
Price $15.00