Illness Behaviour Questionnaire, Third Edition


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SKU trol-15122601
Author Pilowsky, Issy; Spence, Neil
Purpose In the clinical context, to screen for the presence, and "record aspects of illness behaviour, particularly those attitudes that suggest or are associated with inappropriate or maladaptive modes of responding to one’s state of health."
Publication Date 1983–1994.
Acronym IBQ.
Note In March 2016, the Buros Center for Testing learned the publisher of this test is deceased. The test is believed to be out of print.
Publisher Dr. Issy Pilowsky
Publisher address Dr. Issy Pilowsky, University of Sydney, Department of Psychological Medicine, New South Wales, 2006
Reviewed In B. S. Plake, J. C. Impara, & R. A. Spies (Eds.), The fifteenth mental measurements yearbook.
Price $15.00