Jungian Type Survey: The Gray-Wheelwrights Test (16th Revision)


Availability: Test Review Not Available


SKU trol-14122196
Author Gray, Horace; Wheelwright, Joseph B.; Wheelwright, Jane H.; Buehler, John A.
Purpose “Designed to delineate types of personality structure.”
Publication Date 1964.
Note No review available. This test does not meet Buros Institute review criteria (that at least minimal technical and/or test development information is available).
Publisher C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, Inc.
Publisher address C. G. Jung Institute of San Francisco, Inc., 2040 Gough Street, San Francisco, CA 94109; Telephone: 415-771-8055; FAX: 415-771-8926; E-mail: library@sfjung.org; Web: www.sfjung.org
Publisher URL http://www.sfjung.org
Price $15.00