Leadership Practices Inventory, Fourth Edition


Availability: Test Review Not Available


SKU trol-21195009
Author Kouzes, James M.; Posner, Barry Z.
Purpose Designed "as a measure of the frequency of specific leadership behaviors ... to help leaders gain perspective into how they see themselves as leaders, how others view them, and what actions they can take to improve their effectiveness."
Publication Date 1990-2013.
Acronym LPI.
Note No review available. This test does not meet Buros Center for Testing review criteria (that at least minimal technical and/or test development information is available).
Publisher The Leadership Challenge, A Wiley Brand
Publisher address The Leadership Challenge, A Wiley Brand, ; Telephone: 866-888-5159; E-mail: leadership@wiley.com; Web: www.leadershipchallenge.com
Publisher URL http://www.leadershipchallenge.com
Price $15.00