Michigan English Language Assessment Battery


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SKU trol-14042303
Author University of Michigan
Purpose Designed "to evaluate the advanced level English language proficiency of adult non-native speakers of English."
Publication Date 1985–2015.
Acronym MELAB.
Note The test publisher informed the Buros Center for Testing in April 2021 that this test is out of print.
Publisher Michigan Language Assessment
Publisher address Michigan Language Assessment, Argus 1 Building, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-4978; Telephone: 734-615-9629; FAX: 734-763-0369; E-mail: info@michiganassessment.org; Web: https://michiganassessment.org
Publisher URL https://michiganassessment.org
Reviewed In B. S. Plake & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The fourteenth mental measurements yearbook.
Price $15.00