Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery—Revised


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SKU trol-12041302
Author Woodcock, Richard W.
Purpose Intended to measure abilities and achievement in oral language, reading, and written language as well as English language competence.
Publication Date 1980-1991.
Acronym WLPB-R.
Note In March 2016, the Buros Center for Testing learned this test is out of print.
Publisher Riverside Insights
Publisher address Riverside Insights, One Pierce Place Suite 900, Itasca, IL 60143; Telephone: 800-323-9540; E-mail: inquiry@riversideinsights.com; Web: www.riversideinsights.com
Publisher URL http://www.riversideinsights.com
Reviewed In J. C. Conoley & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth mental measurements yearbook.
Price $15.00