SKU | trol-12031253 |
Author | Hendrix-Frye, Helena |
Purpose | "Developed to assess learning styles and preferred working conditions." |
Publication Date | 1989–2000. |
Note | This test was titled Vocational Learning Styles when reviewed for the Twelfth Mental Measurements Yearbook (and that is the review available here). The publisher made some cosmetic changes in 2000, including changing the test name to Learning/Working Styles Inventory. However, there are no changes in the items or psychometrics and it will not be reviewed again at this time. |
Publisher | Piney Mountain Press |
Publisher address | Piney Mountain Press, P.O. Box 986, Dahlonega, GA 30533; Telephone: 800-255-3127; FAX: 800-905-3127; E-mail:; Web: |
Publisher URL | |
Reviewed In | J. C. Conoley & J. C. Impara (Eds.), The twelfth mental measurements yearbook. |
Price | $15.00 |