Crane Oral Dominance Test: Spanish/English


Availability: Test Review Not Available


SKU trol-08060162
Author Crane, Barbara J.
Purpose "To determine if the student has a dominant language, if the student is bilingual …, or if the student needs concentrated language, concept, and memory development to function adequately in either language."
Publication Date 1976.
Acronym CODT.
Note The Buros Center for Testing has not had contact with a publisher for this test in many years. It is believed to be out of print.
Publisher Bilingual Educational Services, Inc.
Publisher address Bilingual Educational Services, Inc., 2514 South Grand Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90007-2651; Telephone: 213-749-6213; FAX: 213-749-1820
Reviewed In O. K. Buros (Ed.), The eighth mental measurements yearbook.
Price $15.00