SKU | trol-15172860 |
Author | Muter, Valerie; Hulme, Charles; Snowling, Margaret |
Purpose | “A screening test for the identification of children at risk of reading difficulties and as a diagnostic test to assess the nature and extent of phonological difficulties in older children with recognized reading problems.” |
Publication Date | 1997. |
Acronym | PAT. |
Note | The Buros Center for Testing learned in October 2015 that this test is out of print. |
Publisher | Pearson Assessment [England] |
Publisher address | Pearson Assessment [England], Halley Court, Jordan Hill, Oxford, OX2 8EJ; Telephone: 0845 630 88 88; FAX: 0845 630 55 55; E-mail:; Web: |
Publisher URL | |
Reviewed In | B. S. Plake, J. C. Impara, & R. A. Spies (Eds.), The fifteenth mental measurements yearbook. |
Price | $15.00 |