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School of Computing Alumni & Friends 4-Person Golf Scramble - Golfer Registration


Availability: Available

Join us for the annual School of Computing Alumni & Friends Golf Scramble, Monday, June 5, 2023. Tee-off time is 9 a.m. at Crooked Creek Golf Club, followed by lunch, prizes and winning team award presentations in the clubhouse.

Participants who wish to play on the same team will each need to register separately and note their preferred teammates on the form in the comments section below.

If you would like to sponsor the event, please visit the listing here:

*Registration Type

* Required Fields



Thank you for participating in the School of Computing Alumni & Friends Golf Scramble scheduled for June 5, 2023. Proceeds from this event will help support the School of Computing student-related activities.


SKU soc-golf-scramble-2023
Price $0.00