A Space for Me


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The activity book is for youth to use as they work with the project activities.  Each page of the youth’s activity book corresponds to the Helper’s Guide and the multiple activities they can do.

  • Keeping youth healthy and safe while learning and having fun is important.  The first part of this Helper’s Guide will help you help children to use safe tools, products, and practices.
  • Section 1.  Hang It, Fold It, Keep Your Space Neat, introduces youth to ways to keep their space or room organized with less clutter while making it easier to find their things.
  • Section 2.  Save It, Recycle It, Reuse It, the second section, helps youth help the environment by reducing energy and water use and making recycling easier.
  • Section 3.  Color it, Paint It, Create It, involves youth in experiencing color through mixing and using colors to create items for their space or room, or for others.


The activity book is for youth to use as they work with the project activities.  Each page of the youth’s activity book corresponds to the Helper’s Guide and the multiple activities they can do.

  • Keeping youth healthy and safe while learning and having fun is important.  The first part of this Helper’s Guide will help you help children to use safe tools, products, and practices.
  • Section 1.  Hang It, Fold It, Keep Your Space Neat, introduces youth to ways to keep their space or room organized with less clutter while making it easier to find their things.
  • Section 2.  Save It, Recycle It, Reuse It, the second section, helps youth help the environment by reducing energy and water use and making recycling easier.
  • Section 3.  Color it, Paint It, Create It, involves youth in experiencing color through mixing and using colors to create items for their space or room, or for others.


SKU 4H200
Price $3.50