Getting Connected, Staying Connected

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GCSC - Hardcover
GCSC - Paperback

Couples and families have it in their power to be happy with each other and create a pleasant and peaceful home environment in which they live together.

This book was written to help couples accentuate the positive – to show clearly and simply how happy couple and family relationships are created and maintained over time.  The focus is on six key couple and family strengths:

  • Appreciation and affection for each other
  • Commitment to the family
  • Positive communication
  • Enjoyable time together
  • A sense of spiritual well-being and shared values
  • The ability to manage stress and crisis effectively


Couples and families have it in their power to be happy with each other and create a pleasant and peaceful home environment in which they live together.

This book was written to help couples accentuate the positive – to show clearly and simply how happy couple and family relationships are created and maintained over time. The book is based on research on couples and families. Features include “Very Short Stories from Real People”, discussion questions and tips for strengthening relationships. The focus is on six key couple and family strengths:

  • Appreciation and affection for each other
  • Commitment to the family
  • Positive communication
  • Enjoyable time together
  • A sense of spiritual well-being and shared values
  • The ability to manage stress and crisis effectively

The authors are John DeFrain, professor emeritus of family studies at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln and the UNL Extension Family Action Research and Writing Team. DeFrain’s work focuses on the development of strong couples and families nationally and internationally.



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