Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cultural Competence


Price as configured: $2.00

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The United States has undergone a rapid shift in its ethnic composition and is adjusting to increasing globalization. This set of two Extension Community Lessons focuses on how individuals can be responsive to cultural differences and diversity, and how they can be global citizens in today’s changing world.

Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cultural Competence — This Leader Guide (HEF574) contains learning objectives, recommended resources, and a number of activities to help participants explore their own background and heritage and what role culture plays in their lives. An evaluation form is included for the leader to hand out to participants at the end of the session.

Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cultural Competence — The Participant Guide (HEF575) contains learning objectives and resources to read. Participants learn about culture and cultural competence through activities and a self-assessment exercise.

Format: 3-page leader guide, 3-page participant guide, and 2-page evaluation

Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cutural Competence: The Leader Guide   +$1.00
Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cutural Competence: The Participant Guide   +$1.00

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Price as configured: $2.00


The United States has undergone a rapid shift in its ethnic composition and is adjusting to increasing globalization. This set of two Extension Community Lessons focuses on how individuals can be responsive to cultural differences and diversity, and how they can be global citizens in today’s changing world.

Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cultural Competence — This Leader Guide (HEF574) contains learning objectives, recommended resources, and a number of activities to help participants explore their own background and heritage and what role culture plays in their lives. An evaluation form is included for the leader to hand out to participants at the end of the session.

Promoting Cultural Understanding and Developing Cultural Competence — The Participant Guide (HEF575) contains learning objectives and resources to read. Participants learn about culture and cultural competence through activities and a self-assessment exercise.

Format: 3-page leader guide, 3-page participant guide, and 2-page evaluation


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