
Availability: Available

PROFESS (PROtein Function, Evolution, Structure and Sequence) is a general framework that integrates various biological databases. PROFESS aims at giving an overview of biological systems by integrating protein annotations at different levels: function, evolution, structure and sequence.


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PROFESS (PROtein Function, Evolution, Structure and Sequence) is a general framework that integrates various biological databases. PROFESS aims at giving an overview of biological systems by integrating protein annotations at different levels: function, evolution, structure and sequence.

PROFESS should not be considered as a replacement for current databases, but rather as a complementary tool. In particular, PROFESS includes the data necessary to show the users a broad overview, whereas the details of the annotations are left in the original databases. For example, each orthologous cluster is associated with a list of Protein Families (PFAM) and a short description. But PROFESS does not include the details of the Protein Families, such as the parameters used to generate the Markov models for example.


SKU NUtech1415
Price $0.00