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Study Materials
These manuals provide information for the Nebraska commercial/noncommercial pesticide applicator wishing to become licensed to apply pesticides to the sites identified in this category. The manual is intended to aid with preparation for the licensure examination. The manual is one component of the training, including video and/or in-person training, planned to give applicators opportunity to learn the content of the category. A pesticide applicator license is obtained following successful completion of general standards and at least one category examination.
Our FlipBooks are our new enhanced digital versions of our traditional print manuals, and most also include the video training presented at our in–person training sessions.
PLEASE NOTE: Internet access is required to use FlipBooks. Purchase of this FlipBook provides 1 year of access. Once you have placed your FlipBook order, look for access URLs (one for each FlipBook) in your order confirmation email. You may need to scroll down in the email to find the links.
Our warehouse has reduced its hours of operation. Orders will be shipped as soon as possible, but please allow at least 5 days for your order to arrive. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
(PSEP) 2025 Weed Guide Print
$35.00 -
2025 Guide to Weed Management - Flipbook Download
$25.00 -
Aerial Pest Control (12) FlipBook
$25.00 -
Aerial Pest Control (12) Manual
$25.00 -
Agricultural Pest Control-Animal (02) FlipBook
$20.00 -
Agricultural Pest Control-Animal (02) Manual
$20.00 -
Agricultural Pest Control-Plant (01) FlipBook
$55.00 -
Agricultural Pest Control-Plant (01) manual
$25.00 -
Aquatic Pest Control (05) FlipBook
$50.00 -
Aquatic Pest Control (05) Manual
$20.00 -
Demonstration/Research (DR) FlipBook
$10.00 -
Demonstration/Research (DR) Manual