CornHacks is an annual hackathon hosted by UNL students. It’s an intensive computer science competition focused on learning and trying new things and we encourage all of our participants to work in teams, collaborating on a technical project of interest.
We would not be able to put on this amazing event without the help of our sponsors, and we try to create an event that is helpful for both student participants and sponsoring organizations – this event is a great time to get your company’s name out and network with participants! With the help of sponsors, we can make the event completely free while providing prizes, gear, and food for participants. While sponsorships at any level are appreciated, we offer Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum level sponsorships.
Key takeaways:
o Hackathons are computer science / programming competitions focused on learning
o We are expecting ~150 undergraduate students from UNL or other nearby colleges
o The event is over 24 hours, and participants are welcome to come and go as they wish.
This year’s theme is 2100: A Corn Odessey
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to reach out to us at!