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Quantity of Living Plant Materials in Prairie Soils in Relation to Run-Off and Soil Erosion. (CB-8)


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Quantity of Living Plant Materials in Prairie Soils in Relation to Run-Off and Soil Erosion. (CB-8)


Weaver, J. E., Harmon, G.W., 1935. Quantity of Living Plant Materials in Prairie Soils in Relation to Run-Off and Soil Erosion. (CB-8): 53 pp., size 6" x 9". Description: Primary topics in this 1935 publication include: Types of Prairie, Types of Pasture, Method of Sampling and Washing, Determination of Volume and Weight, Amount of Underground Plant Material in Prairie, Amount of Underground Plant Material in Pastures, Experiments on Washing Away the Soil, and concludes with a Discussion and Summary.


Price $10.00