Condra, G. E., Reed, E. C., 1935. Permo-Pennsylvanian Section of the Hartville Area of Wyoming (with implications for Nebraska) (GSP-9): 46 pp., size 6" x 9". Description: This report is based on a study of the rocks exposed in the North Platte River valley in the vicinities of Guernsey, Wendover, and Cassa, and about 6 miles north of Glendo. The outcrops are in Platte County, eastern Wyoming, 25-30 miles or more west of the Nebraska-Wyoming border. The purpose of this investigation is to establish a detailed section of the Permo-Pennsylvanian beds in the Hartville area as the initial step in their close study throughout the western areas. Out of print, unbound copy available.
SKU | GSP-9 |
Price | $7.50 |