Souders, V. L., Elder, J. A., Dreeszen, V. H., 1971. Guidebook to Selected Pleistocene Paleosols in Eastern Nebraska (GB-4) 17 pp., size 8.5" x 11". Description: The trips starts at Lincoln in the Salt Creet Valley, follows this valley to the Platte River, and crosses the Platte River valley into the rolling uplands of eastern Nebraska. These uplands are principally made up of one or more till bodies mantled with loess. The loess deposits, the soils within them, and their relationship to the underlying till are examined in the vicinity of Bennington, northwest of Omaha. The trip proceeds northwest of these sites to a locality where two Kansan-age tills are separated by a soil horizon. Farther northwest, a site where radiocarbon dates have been obtained from a humus-enriched horizon overlying the Sangamon Soil will be examined, and the relationship of this horizon to the loesses of eastern Nebraska is discussed.
SKU | GB-4 |
Price | $8.00 |