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Monitoring Water Stress in Soybeans and Corn with Remote Sensing Techniques (OFR-95)


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Monitoring Water Stress in Soybeans and Corn with Remote Sensing Techniques (OFR-95)


Monitoring Water Stress in Soybeans and Corn with Remote Sensing Techniques (OFR-95) Blaine L. Blad, T.V. Ramana Rao and Bronson R. Gardner, Final Report to AgRISTARS, Under Contract No. NAS9-16636, December 1985. The monitoring of water-stressed vegetation in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid regions of the world is important for the efficient management and utilization of valuable water resources. 8.5 x 11, 253 pp. Original out-of-print. Unbound copy available.


Price $10.00