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Use of Ground Water for Irrigation in Seward County, Nebraska, in 1971 (OFR-73-08)


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Use of Ground Water for Irrigation in Seward County, Nebraska, in 1971 (OFR-73-08)


Steele, E. K., Jr. 1973. Use of Ground Water for Irrigation in Seward County, Nebraska, in 1971 (OFR-73-08). 28 pp, size 8" x 10" Description: The year following its organization, the Seward County Ground Water Conservation District arranged with the USGS to cooperatively finance an evaluation of the ground-water resources of the county, to determine the effect of pumpage, and to obtain data needed by the District to monitor and manage its water resources. This report, which presents the study results through the spring of 1972, is a step towards obtaining facts needed for a detailed appraisal of the county's ground-water supply. Out of print, unbound copy available.


SKU OFR-73-08
Price $10.00