LaGarry, H. E. 2004. Taphonomic Evidence of Bone Processing from the Oligocene of Northwestern Nebraska (PP-2): 35 pp., size 8.5" x 11". Description: In this paper, the author uses current taphonomic methods to describe bone processing in a large sample of fossil material from the White River Group of northwestern Nebraska. The goals of the study were to: 1) survey, characterize, and quantify carnivore-induced bone modifications within an Oligocene fauna of the White River Group; 2) using a uniformitarian approach, qualitatively describe the observed features interpreted as bone processing and compare them to bone processed by extant mammalian carnivores; 3) examine the distribution of bone processing between and within various size groups of mammals in the fauna; and 4) discuss the implications of the types and distributions of bone processing for the paleoecology and behavior of Oligocene carnivores.
SKU | PP-2 |
Price | $10.00 |