Bentall, R., and others, 1971. Water Supplies and the Land, The Elkhorn River Basin of Nebraska (RA-1) 51 pp., size 11" x 17". Description: This atlas presents a synthesis of water-supply development in the Elkhorn River basin and its climatic and hydrologic factors. Included are data that govern moisture that returns to the atmosphere, becomes overland runoff , or reaches streams by percolation, as well as infiltration rates and water-holding capacities of soils; the distribution and thickness of rocks yielding water to wells; the variability, water quality, and sediment-transporting capacity of streams; and the availability and quality of groundwater. Out of print, unbound copy available. This document contains information based on data that was accurate and current at the time of publication.
SKU | RA-1 |
Price | $11.50 |