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Use of Water Chemistry, Isotopes and Chlorofluorocarbons to Investigate the Sources of Ground Water Beneath Loup City, Central Nebraska, 2000


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Use of Water Chemistry, Isotopes and Chlorofluorocarbons to Investigate the Sources of Ground Water Beneath Loup City, Central Nebraska, 2000


Steele, G. V., Harvey F. E. 2002. Use of Water Chemistry, Isotopes and Chlorofluorocarbons to Investigate the Sources of Ground Water Beneath Loup City, Central Nebraska, 2000 (WRIR-02-4049). 43 pp., size 8.5" x 11". Description: This report presents the results of a study to determine if the probable sources of ground water beneath Loup City, Nebraska, are from Sherman Reservoir or other surface-water features. This report describes: 1) methods used to select and install monitoring wells for water-level and water-quality data collection; 2) results of the water-level, water-quality, age-dating, and water isotopic analyses, and 3) a discussion of the possible sources of ground water beneath Loup City.


SKU WRIR-02-4049
Price $4.00