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Groundwater Levels in Nebraska, 1983


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Johnson, M. S., Pederson, D. T., 1984. Groundwater Levels in Nebraska, 1983 (WSP-57): 67 pp., size 8.5" x 11".


Johnson, M. S., Pederson, D. T., 1984. Groundwater Levels in Nebraska, 1983 (WSP-57): 67 pp., size 8.5" x 11". Description: This report, the thirtieth annual report on Nebraska's groundwater levels, summarizes the 1982 to 1983 water-level changes on a statewide basis and by major areas where significant changes from estimated predevelopment levels have occurred. It describes the availability of data on water levels, provides information on changes in the water-level measurement program during the year, and summarizes data on the two major causes of water-level changes--precipitation and groundwater use. Because of the large amounts of data, much of the information in this report is of a generalized nature.


Price $8.50