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Geology, Hydrogeology, and Aquifer Hydraulic Properties from Five Test Sites in the Republican River Valley, Nebraska (OFR-53)


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Geology, Hydrogeology, and Aquifer Hydraulic Properties from Five Test Sites in the Republican River Valley, Nebraska (OFR-53)


Chen, X-H., Goeke, J. A., Summerside, S. 1998. Geology, Hydrogeology, and Aquifer Hydraulic Properties from Five Test Sites in the Republican River Valley, Nebraska (OFR-53). 300 pp. + 5 over-sized diagrams. Description: Report was in fulfillment of a 1997 cooperative agreement between the Conservation and Survey Division and the Nebraska Department of Water Resources. The purpose of this report is to summarize the results of five pumping tests along the Republican River valley and its major tributaries. The major objective of the pumping test was to collect drawdown data for the calculation of aquifer hydraulic parameter values, which is used in the modeling of stream/aquifer interaction in the next phase of this study. Out of print, unbound copy available.


Price $40.00