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Measurement of Surface Physical Properties and Radiation Balance for KUREX-91 Study (OFR-91)


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Measurement of Surface Physical Properties and Radiation Balance for KUREX-91 Study (OFR-91)


Measurement of Surface Physical Properties and Radiation Balance for KUREX-91 Study (OFR-91) Elizabeth A. Walter-Shea, Blaine L. Blad, Mark A. Mesarch and Cynthia J. Hays, NASA Grant NAG5-1762, May 1992, 32 pp, 8.5 x 11, Biophysical properties and radiation balance components were measured at the Streletskaya Steppe Researe of the Russion Republic in July 1991 as our contribution to the USA science team investigation during the Kursk Experiment (KUREX-91). Original out-of-print. Unbound copy available


Price $10.00