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Native Vegetation Map of Nebraska (GIM-54)


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Native Vegetation Map of Nebraska (GIM-54)


Native Vegetation Map of Nebraska (GIM-54): Kaul, R. B., Rolfsmeier, S. B. (1:1,000,000; 1993), size 36" x 24". Description: For this vegetation map, the categories have increased from a previous version's 13 to 16, and the explanatory text for each category has been greatly expanded. In addition, salt marshes, which were not on the 1975 map, have been included. There is also a list of the common and scientific names on the back. Finally, the current status of each type of native vegetation. For example, "converted to cropland" is included on the new map. The 1993 map represents 28 years of data collection: 10 years for the original map, and 18 years of updating.


Price $10.00