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Ground Water Atlas of the United States Segment 3 Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska (HA-730-D)


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Ground Water Atlas of the United States Segment 3 Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska (HA-730-D)


Ground Water Atlas of the United States Segment 3 Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska (HA-730-D) Description: The three States-Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska-that comprise Segment 3 of this Atlas are in the central part of the United States. The major rivers that drain these States are the Niobrara, the Platte, the Kansas, the Arkansas, and the Missouri; the Mississippi River is the eastern boundary of the area. These rivers supply water for many uses but ground water is the source of slightly more than one-half of the total water withdrawn for all uses within the three-State area. The aquifers that contain the water consist of consolidated sedimentary rocks and unconsolidated deposits that range in age from Cambrian through Quaternary. This chapter describes the geology and hydrology of each of the principal aquifers throughout the three-State area. 22" x 17" Staple-bound, full-color, pp. 24


SKU HA-730-D
Price $10.00