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An Example of the Use of the Landsat Earth Resources Satellite System to Inventory Nebraska Sandhills Blowouts: Arthur Southeast 7.5 minute Orthophotoquad (LUM-25)


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An Example of the Use of the Landsat Earth Resources Satellite System to Inventory Nebraska Sandhills Blowouts: Arthur Southeast 7.5 minute Orthophotoquad (LUM-25)


An Example of the Use of the Landsat Earth Resources Satellite System to Inventory Nebraska Sandhills Blowouts: Arthur Southeast 7.5 minute Orthophotoquad (LUM-25): Samson, S. A. (na; 1983), size 22" x 17". Description: This map depicts the distribution of blowouts (depressions created by the wind in an area of unstable, fine sandy soil) for two different dates in the quad. Data was aquired through Landsat on July 1, 1976 and June 12, 1978.


Price $7.50