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Relations of Nonpoint-Source Nitrate and Atrazine Concentrations in the High Plains Aquifer to Selected Explanatory Variables in Six Nebraska Study Areas


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Relations of Nonpoint-Source Nitrate and Atrazine Concentrations in the High Plains Aquifer to Selected Explanatory Variables in Six Nebraska Study Areas


Relations of Nonpoint-Source Druliner, A. D., Chen, H. H., McGrath, T. S. 1996. Nitrate and Atrazine Concentrations in the High Plains Aquifer to Selected Explanatory Variables in Six Nebraska Study Areas (WRIR-95-4202). 51 pp., 8.5" x 11". Description: This report describes the final phase of the Nebraska study. The final phase was to determine to what extent the local climatic, hydrologic, soil, and land-use conditions might be related to the variations in nitrate and atrazine concentrations in the ground water, to better define their relations to agricultural contamination, and to provide techniques that may be used to delineate areas of potential ground-water contamination by selected agricultural chemicals. The report also desribes examples of several mathematical models that determine the potential for groundwater contamination by nitrate and atrazine.


SKU WRIR-95-4202
Price $10.00