Verstraeten, I. M., Steele, G. V., Bohlke, J. K., Kraemer, T. E., Cannia, J. C., Hitch, D. E., Wilson, K. E., Carnes, A. E. Selected Field and Analytical Methods and Analytical Results in the Dutch Flats Area, Western Nebraska, 1995-99 (OFR-00-413). 2000. 53 pp., 8.5" x 11". Description: This report describes the selected field and analytical methods used in the study and selected analytical results from the study not previously published. Specifically, dissolved gases, age-dating data, and other isotopes collected as part of an intensive sampling effort in 1998 and all uranium and uranium isotope data collected through the course of this study are included in this report. Out of Print, un-bound copy available.
SKU | OFR-00-413 |
Price | $15.00 |