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Simulated Response of the High Plains Aquifer to Ground-Water Withdrawals in the Upper Repubican Natural Resources District, Nebraska


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Simulated Response of the High Plains Aquifer to Ground-Water Withdrawals in the Upper Repubican Natural Resources District, Nebraska


Peckenpaugh, J. M., Kern, R. A., Dugan, J. T., Kilpatrick, J. M. 1995. Simulated Response of the High Plains Aquifer to Ground-Water Withdrawals in the Upper Repubican Natural Resources District, Nebraska (WRIR-95-4014). 60 pp., size 8.5" x 11". Description: This report describes the hydrogeologic system in the study area and the development of a groundwater-flow model to quantitatively evaluate this system. Specifically, this report describes the hydrogeologic characteristics of the study area. This report also describes data manipulation, discretization, and estimation techniques used to compile the model arrays. Finally, the calibration of the model and its use in simulating water levels in the High Plains aquifer and streamflows resulting from two different pumping stations, are discussed.


SKU WRIR-95-4014
Price $10.00