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The Redfield Anticline of Nebraska and Iowa (GSP-12)


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The Redfield Anticline of Nebraska and Iowa (GSP-12)


Condra, G. E., Reed, E. C., 1938. The Redfield Anticline of Nebraska and Iowa (GSP-12): 19 pp., size 6" x 9". Description: A well-defined structure, known by various names, extendes southwestward from Ames, Iowa, through Redfield, passing just north of Red Oak and Thurman in Iowa and past Union and Unadilla in Nebraska. It has been described as an anticline, as a fault, and as a deformation. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the previous interpretations and to reach a conclusion in regard to the exact structural nature of this feature. Out of print, unbound copy available.


Price $7.50