General Information Maps & Charts

General information maps, charts, talks and rocks (GIMs) present a variety of earth science topics in a variety of formats. These publications are generally brief and for a general audience.

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View as:

  1. The World Map (GIM-68)

    The World Map (GIM-68)

  2. The World, Van der Grinten Projection (GIM-126)

    The World, Van der Grinten Projection (GIM-126)

  3. Geologic Map of the United States of America (GIM-156): Reed, J.C., Bush, C.A. (1:750,000; 2007), size 28" x 32". Description: This is a colorful, double sided map showing the Geology of the United States. It shows: the age, distribution, and character of

    Geologic Map of the United States of America

  4. World Voyager Wall Map (MS-7)

    World Voyager Wall Map (MS-7)

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