Open File and Contract Reports
Open File and Contract Reports vary in size and topic. Most were printed in limited quantity and unbound copies are available, many contain large maps and over-size plates with text.
Surficial Geology of the Fort Calhoun and Kennard 7.5-minute Quadrangles, Nebraska-Iowa (OFR-56)
$5.00 -
Reconnaissance Water Quality Study of the Dakota Aquifer in Lancaster County, Nebraska (OFR-55)
$15.00 -
Teleworking in Corporate and State Government Organizations: A Case Study Comparing Manager Experiences in Developing Effective Teleworker Teams (OFR-112)
$10.00 -
The Face Of Malone An Area of Transition in Lincoln, Nebraska (OFR-113)
$10.00 -
Hydrostratigraphy and Hydraulic Behavior of Fractured Brule Formation in Sidney Draw, Cheyenne County, Nebraska (OFR-12)
$30.00 -
Plio-Pleistocene Glacial Deposits in Northeastern Nebraska: New Exposures and Interpretations. A field Trip sponsored by the Nebraska Geological Society (OFR-128)
$12.00 -
General Geology of the Great Plains (OFR-2)
$3.00 -
The Impact of Center Pivot Irrigation in Southwest Nebraska (OFR-5)
$5.50 -
Nebraska's Streams with Emphasis on Stream-Aquifer Relationships and Changes in Flow Regimes (OFR-50)
$40.00 -
Geologic Map of the Scottsbluff 1-degree x 2-degree Quadrangle, Nebraska, Colorado (OFR-51)
$12.50 -
Domestic Well-water Quality in Rural Nebraska (OFR-52)
$20.00 -
Geology, Hydrogeology, and Aquifer Hydraulic Properties from Five Test Sites in the Republican River Valley, Nebraska (OFR-53)